Clinics - NEW 2012

Whether you wish to improve your spey casting, learn to fish with nymphs, get more distance on your casting, then theses clinics area an ideal and cost effective way of doing this. Due to customer demand we have decided to offer 2 hour clinics in popular fishing disciplines. Maybe you are an experienced dry fly angler and you would like to improve your nymph fishing skills? You have been casting well for years, but would like to cast a little further, then maybe these clinics are what you need to hone your skills. Similarly our Spey Casting Clinic will help you to improve your casting and show you the latest technique.
For beginners and for more detailed courses see our
fly fishing course dates.
Clinics - NEW 2012 Buy Online |
Spey Casting Clinic - Casting Ponds - 10 am to 12 noon |
18 Feb
€50 per person
Single handed - Improve your distance casting - 10 am to 12 noon |
31 Mar
€50 per person
Czech Nymph Fishing - River Suir - 10 am to 12 noon |
5 May
€50 per person
NZ Style Nymph Fishing - River Suir - 10 am to 12 noon |
26 May
€50 per person
Dry Fly Fishiing - River Suir - 10 am to 12 noon |
9 June
€50 per person