Come and join us for a fantastic weekend of demos and clinics at Clonanav Fly Fishing in Ballymacarbry Co Waterford. Hardy & Greys Pro Team Members Ian Gordon and Tom ‘Doc’ Sullivan will be on hand to give expert advice and tips. We will also have the latest range of Hardy & Greys Products on show for your to try. Sure to be a fantastic weekend!
Ian Gordon
World-leading salmon fishing expert, and Hardy & Greys Salmon Consultant
Regarded as one of the world's leading experts with a double handed rod, Ian Gordon has worked in Salmon fishing for nearly 30 years. A World Speycasting Champion, he holds STANIC and AAPGAI instructor's qualifications and through his company speyonline.com runs one of the country's premier fishing/casting schools, also organising and hosting Salmon fishing holidays on various Scottish as well as Norwegian rivers. Ian has also held fly casting schools in Japan, Korea and the US, as well as in almost every European and Scandinavian country.
In his latest film, Blue Charm, Ian encapsulates the allure of Salmon fishing in Scotland, exploring the sport of both from a cultural and historic perspective.
Ian is also principal Salmon consultant to Hardy Bros. of Alnwick, designing their exciting range of Zenith and Marksman double handed rods and Mach Spey range of lines.
He is a writer and journalist with the UK's principle magazine, Trout and Salmon, his in-depth knowledge of the Atlantic Salmon making his views and articles popular with a great many readers of both this and his blog.
Tom ‘Doc’ Sullivan
Hardy & Greys Territory Sales Manager, fly tyer and guide
Tom (or Tom ‘Doc’ as he is more widely known) is Territory Sales Manager for Hardy & Greys covering Ireland and Scotland; he has worked for the company since 2007. Prior to this Tom worked as a guide for 16 years on the Great Western Loughs of Ireland, 10 of which were full time. During this time he also tied flies professionally and ran his own casting and fishing school from his angling and boat hire centre.
He grew up on the shores of Lough Corrib and lives on the Dooras peninsula close by to the well known fishing village of Cornamona. His great love is wild Brown Trout fishing and ‘Lough-Style' is his speciality, his knowledge of Loughs ‘Corrib Mask and Carra is second to none.
A regular contributor to angling magazines, Tom penned the highly popular series ‘a Guide's diary' for the Irish Angler along with other regular contributions; he has featured on a number of Angling DVDs and radio shows. Tom has also worked on a couple of feature films as angling advisor, the most recent saw him working with actor Brendan Gleeson for the film Calvary.
Well bitten by the competition bug, Tom has fished for Ireland on 8 occasions in Home Nations, European and World Championships. He enjoys the competition scene as it gets him to fish waters right throughout Ireland of which there are many!
Demos will run from 3 pm to 6 pm on Friday and 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday.
Ian Gordon will be holding a casting clinic on the river Suir with the assistance of Andrew Ryan on Saturday morning from 9 am to 12 noon. This is an excellent opportunity to get spey casting lessons from one of the best spey casters in the world. The clinic is limited to 10 persons. The cost is €50 per person