Join us for a great FREE weekend of Demos and Casting Instruction on 22/23 April.
To book you place please email us andrew@flyfishingireland.com
This year we have a great line up of fly fishing demonstrators for both single and double handed. With lots of FREE demos at our casting ponds and fly tying demos in our tuition room, this is sure to be a great weekend! Demos are from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday and 10 am to 2 pm on Sunday.
Timetable - Saturday
10 am - Fly Tying Dens O'Toole Loop Pro Team & Darryl Mooney Partridge - will be on most of the day upstairs
11 am - River Suir - Kieran Conlon Guideline
11.30 am - River Suir Conor Arnold & Mark Patterson - Loop
12.00 noon - Steve Peterson - Scott Rods
12.30 - River Nire - Stevie Munn - Marryat
1.00 - Casting Ponds - Andrew Ryan - Hardy Sintrix Rods
1.30 - Break
2.30 - Rod testing from all brands on casting ponds
3.00 - Casting Ponds - Kieran Conlon Guidleline
3.30 - Casting Ponds - Conor Arnold & Mark Patterson - Loop
4.00 - Casting Ponds - Steve Peterson - Scott Rods
4.30 - Casting Ponds - Stevie Munn & Darryl Mooney Marryat
Timetable - Sunday
9 am - Fly Tying Dens O'Toole Loop Pro Team & Darryl Mooney Partridge - will be on most of the day upstairs
10 am - River Suir - Kieran Conlon Guideline
10.30 am - River Suir Conor Arnold & Mark Patterson - Loop
11.00 - River Nire - Stevie Munn - Marryat
11.30 - Casting Ponds - Andrew Ryan - Hardy Sintrix Rods
12.00 - Casting Ponds - Demos and help from all brands
12.30 - Casting Ponds - Steve Peterson - Scott Rods
2.00 - Ends
Stevie Munn
Stevie has worked in the game angling sector for many years, at game fairs and shows and as a Professional guide. Stevie specialises in trout, salmon and the Irish Dollaghan, but will happily fish for any species that will take a fly.
As well as covering his native Ireland, Stevie hosts fishing trips worldwide, including leading an annual hosted trip to fish in British Colombia, Canada, and excursions to Russia, Iceland, Norway and Argentina.

Kieran started fly fishing at the age of 5 and has been at it ever since. When not fishing on his home rivers in Southern Ireland he can be found guiding and teaching other anglers in their pursuit of Atlantic Salmon on many of the famous rivers in the region. He also enjoys searching out large predatory early season Brown Trout as well as Seatrout on Balmy Summer nights. He now holds APGAI Ireland's Advanced Two handed Instructor and Guides qualification. Kieran also gives casting demonstrations and clinics specializing in practical techniques using modern equipment while keeping it simple and efficient.
Mark Patterson has fished for trout and salmon in Ireland for over 30 years. He has also fished extensively in England, Scotland and Wales as well as further a field including Florida, Montana, France and Poland. He works as an angling consultant, instructor and guide all over Ireland and is heavily involved in introducing the next generation of anglers to the sport of fly fishing through his ‘Salmon in the Classroom’ project. Mark specialises in fishing for wild brown trout and Atlantic salmon in the loughs and rivers of his native Ireland.
Steve Peterson AAPGAI Master Trout & Salmon FFF CCI
Fishing was always going to be more than just a hobby for Steve who stated fishing at around six years old and by the age of sixteen was attending Sparsholt College in Hampshire to study fishery management. A twelve year spell working on a trout fishery followed and this is where Steve was able to study fish ,their habitat and fly casting in particular. Steve has been a qualified instructor for nineteen years and has worked for both Sportfish and Hardy & Greys Ltd.
Steve has recently joined Fly Fish Europe as sales representative for the UK and Ireland and will be happy to offer advice on Simms products or take you for a test cast of any new Scott fly rod.
Conor Arnold - LOOP Pro Team Member
Conor is a full time professional guide and A.P.G.A.I -Ireland casting Instructor. Based in the south of Ireland Conor has nearly 30 years experience fly fishing for Salmon, Trout and Sea-Trout throughout mainland Europe, Ireland, Scotland and Sweden. Conor began guiding about 10 years ago and now runs his own international guiding business based on his fishery, the Upper Bridgetown Salmon Fishery, on the river Blackwater. For the last few years Conor has been fishing for Baltic salmon in many of Swedens’ mighty northern rivers, and this year he will be hosting trips there, helping visiting anglers to catch a fish of a lifetime in the homeland of Loop.
Denis O'Toole - LOOP Pro Team Member
Denis has over 20year’s experience tying flies for both Salmon and Sea Trout using only the finest quality materials, he is an innovative fly dresser tying both traditional and modern patterns of his own designs regularly demonstrating at fly fishing shows around Ireland and the U.K. All tough fly tying is a big passion of his when he is not behind his vice, Denis can be found night fishing for sea trout during the summer months and by day fishing for Salmon and wild trout on the loughs and rivers around Ireland. Denis has a number of fly tying step by step instructional video’s which can be seen on You-tube, he has also contributed to many magazine articles as well as several books.